Good evening, families!
Thank you to everyone who came out last weekend for a very busy and fun first weekend of Advent. We had a fun Family Movie Night on Friday! Thanks to those who volunteered at the Advent Festival Sunday, and for everyone who turned out to help ring in the season! It was a joy to see the Fellowship Hall bursting at the seams!
This Sunday we will be back in Sunday School classrooms for our last class before the Christmas Play (next week) and winter break (Sunday School resumes 1/7.) Each class will explore the "supporting cast" of the nativity through crafts, and work on Jesse Tree ornaments.
A reminder that anyone interested in singing "Once in David's Royal City" at the 7pm service Christmas Eve is invited to join in practicing at the beginning of the Sunday School hour. Sabrina and Marian will lead kids to and from the choir room, and choir kiddos will join Sunday School classes at 10:30.
See you Sunday!
Hilary Lambert