What is the Youth Ministry at WPC All About?
The Wasatch Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry provides a community for 7th-12th graders that focuses on fellowship, service, and pastoral support for youth during their middle and high school years. Our Youth Ministry is an open and welcoming community that invites all to join in asking questions, making friends, giving back, having fun, sharing new experiences, having doubts, finding answers, and feeling God's love during the teenage years. For more information about Youth Ministry, contact our Youth Director, Jerri Crawford at jcrawford@wpcslc.org.
Sunday School
Youth Sunday School is offered during the academic year from 9-9:55am, in the Youth Loft. We use the “Follow Me” curriculum which is an intergenerational resource for spiritual formation Donuts enhance our journey together.
Service Opportunities
Sharing the love, one heart at a time.
The Youth Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for service throughout the year. These include opportunities internal to the church like helping with all-church events such as Mardi Gras, conducting parts of weekly worship, as well as outside service opportunities like making sandwiches for the soup kitchen and helping congregants with caring for their homes. Our youth also “heart” the homes of those who don’t have many opportunities to leave the house for Valentine’s Day. Through these experiences, youth learn the importance of giving back and being leaders.
Throughout the year, the youth gather for fellowship opportunities, including the Annual Youth Lock-In, Minute-to-Win It game night, as well as picnics at nearby parks, movie nights, ice skating, and Zoolights to name a few. Our youth also participate in Youth of Utah Presbytery activities. Fellowship outings provide the youth a great chance to have new experiences with friends, as well as getting to know the adult volunteers from the church who help chaperone.
Confirmation is available to youth 8th-12th grade who desire intentional time for discovering what they believe in, what the Presbyterian Church believes, what being a member is all about, and everything in between. The WPC Confirmation Class of 2024 will be honored during Confirmation Sunday in the spring. Youth are paired up with an adult member of the congregation who serves as a mentor through this process. In addition to regular classes, confirmads will enjoy a retreat in the spring. This is a nine-month experience that is offered every few years.
The youth hold two major fundraisers each year to support their programming and activities. In December, they put on a wildly successful Christmas greenery and bake sale at the annual Advent Festival and come spring we wash cars leaving them looking like they just rolled off the showroom floor.
Youth are offered the chance to enjoy summer activities including overnight camp at Camp Tuttle in Big Cottonwood Canyon camping, hiking, rafting. Additionally, every three years, youth in 10th-12th grades are invited to attend the Presbyterian Youth Triennium at Purdue University in Indiana, providing them a chance to get to know Presbyterian youth from around the country.
During the 2023 year we participated in the following events: events:
Sledding with the Children’s Ministry.
Ice Skating
Serving dinner at St. Vincent’s Shelter.
“Hearting” congregants who typically do not have many social interactions.
Summer Camp at Camp Tuttle for 7th & 8th Graders and also a High School Adventure Camp. Camp Tuttle is always a good time!
Our Annual Rafting Trip of three days and two nights on the Colorado River and an additional night in a church in Moab. It’s always a great opportunity for the youth to bond together, create and grow friendships, and get to know trusted adult chaperones.
We loved having your youth participate in these amazing and enriching summer activities!
A mission of Wasatch Presbyterian Church's Youth Committee to foster
a small group for all moms and other women in the church.
The Women’s Book Club is a fun monthly book club for all women in the church. This group was started over 3 years ago to help foster a small group for all moms and other women in the church. We read a wide variety of books ranging from lighthearted beach reads to historical biographies. We meet at 7:00 pm each month on an alternating Friday or Saturday and enjoy wine and snacks together. We love rotating our locations and seeing each others' homes and backyards. Please consider joining us if you want to connect with more women in the church or just looking for a fun night out. We welcome everyone, even if you have not read the book of the month!!!