April 30, 2020

As we learn how to live with the threat of the novel coronavirus, we are taking measures as a community to protect one another and prevent its spread. While we are still encouraging staying at home and socially distancing, some of us have to get out to work as essential workers or to get basic necessities for our families.  As part of the changing of some restrictions at the start of May, Salt Lake County is asking all residents and visitors (including children) to wear a face covering when in public settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain consistently AND for high risk individuals to wear a face covering at all times when outside the home

We can all demonstrate our care for all individuals by wearing and normalizing the wearing of face coverings in public.  

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If you can help make masks:

Join the Warriors of Wasatch: Mask and Protect!  We would like to invite anyone who is interested in sewing masks to collaborate in an effort to provide masks for our congregation. We would love your help! If you are interested in sewing or are willing to donate materials (100% cotton fabrics, cotton blends, ideally 1/8" or 1/4" elastic or elastic cording.), please contact Stasha Lewis.

If you need masks:

1) First, go to this link and sign up for a mask for each member of your family at A Mask for Every Utahnhttps://coronavirus.utah.gov/mask/  The state will provide one mask to each resident who needs one, and will mail -- upon request, once, and free of charge --- up to six masks to each Utah residential address. These masks may take several weeks, however, so we also recommend:
2) Beginning on Monday, May 4, you may pick up cloth face masks from the lobby by the church office between 9 AM and 4 PM.  Inside the doors, there are carefully marked locations for material donations, and the various sizes of masks. We ask that if someone is in the vestibule that you kindly wait outside the church doors until they are finished.  Please be patient with us as we work to increase the number of masks available.  If you don't find what you need, it will be available shortly. We will update you weekly via the blast regarding the quantity of masks. If you are unable to get to the church to pick up the mask, please email Stasha Lewis and we can arrange delivery to your home. 


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The Breath Prayer is an ancient Christian prayer practice that gives us the chance to slow our breathing and in turn, slow our minds. For each prayer, you say one half on your inhale and the other on your exhale.  You can repeat the same prayer over and over again.

Here are a few sample breath prayers you could use:

(From Matthew 11:28-30)

Inhale: Humble and gentle One,

Exhale: you are rest for my soul.

(From Romans 8:38-39)

Inhale: Nothing can separate me,

Exhale: from the love of God.

(From Psalm 46:10)

Inhale: Be still

Exhale: and know you are God.

(From Matt. 6:10)

Inhale: On earth

Exhale: as it is in heaven.

(From 2 Cor. 12:9)

Inhale: Your grace

Exhale: is enough for me.

(From 1 John)

Inhale: There is no fear

Exhale: in your Love. 

(From Psalm 23)

Inhale: I will not be afraid

Exhale: for You are with me.

 (From Psalm 46:1)

Inhale: You are our refuge

Exhale: and our strength.

(From Psalm 91:1)

Inhale: I find rest

Exhale: in Your shelter


Join us each Friday night at 8pm on Zoom 

If you're looking for a place to connect and chat, join us on the Socially Distanced Parents Zoom.  We're there every week; just join us when you need to check in and talk about everything.  It has been wonderful seeing so many of you the last few weeks.  It is one of my favorite hours of the week! Contact Heather for the link.



Club 56 meets weekly together to check in, have some laughs and work on ways to support our community.  As we move forward, plans are being made for ways for to get our younger Wasatchers together online too.  Look in next week's WPC CM email for plans.  


Did you know WPC has a Twitter account now?  Daily Encouragements are linked there each morning and more content is to come!  Be sure to add it as a follow on your account! @WasatchPres or https://twitter.com/wasatchpres