April 23, 2020

In talking with so many of you the last few weeks, I keep hearing (and saying myself) that the hardest part of all of this is the uncertainty we are dealing with.  Uncertainty is a breeding ground for anxiety. This week I was emailed this Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook, created by the Wellness Society. It is a free, printable resource for anyone to use. The workbook: will challenge you to look at where and how often you consume news, has links to sources of good news, gives you ways to challenge your anxious thoughts, has you work through a list of healthy distractions, gives you steps to make a plan for resilience and gives you concrete places to document your gratitude daily. I think it is great because you can use any or all that you feel you need - and you can share it with any loved one that might also be struggling with anxiety during this time. Check it out. Our bigger kids can benefit from pieces of it too. 

Lent in a box broken tile.jpg


The (re)Lent prayer this week is from week 3 of Lent in a Box. This prayer had you take the tile from the box and place it in the sock. Then tap it with a hammer once or twice until the tile has broken into a piece for each family member. If you've already used your tile you can find a substitute around your house. Perhaps you have another tile, a clay pot that didn't survive the winter or something else your roommates have recently broken during quarantine! 

These broken pieces of tile are to remind us that nothing is too hard for God to fix.  Using a sharpie or a crayon write on your tile, "Is anything too hard for God?" On the other side, have each person write something that they would like God to fix.  Place these tiles somewhere where they will be seen daily.  Use the pieces to remind your family to pray and ask God to fix the broken places in our world.  


Join us each Friday night at 8pm on Zoom 

If you're looking for a place to connect and chat, join us on the Socially Distanced Parents Zoom.  We're there every week; just join us when you need to check in and talk about everything.  It has been wonderful seeing so many of you the last few weeks. It is one of my favorite hours of the week!  Reach out to Heather for the link or meeting ID information.


Did you know WPC has a Twitter account now?  Daily Encouragements are linked there each morning and more content is to come!  Be sure to add it as a follow on your account!  @WasatchPres or go to https://twitter.com/wasatchpres