This year the play will be held Sunday, December 16 at the end of the 9 a.m. and beginning of the 11:15 worship services, with practice being held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 15.
If your child(ren) will participate, please fill out the form below. If you have multiple children please fill out one form for each of them. This will help me organize costumes and plan for the fun! Christmas Play Sign Up
As is tradition, Club 56 kids are invited to sign up to be narrators (but can be other roles if they don't wish to have a speaking part), and I will do my best to give everyone their preferred role at least for one of the two services.
We will be practicing the songs during chapel time each Sunday from now through the 15th, and you can practice on your own at home, too! Click the button below for access to the recordings and lyrics, which are posted on the church website. Christmas Play Songs
All kids are invited to join the WPC Children's Choir for a few weeks of practice, then a performance at the 7 p.m. service on Christmas Eve. Thank you to Sabrina Cole and Marian Florence for leading this effort! When Hilary rings the tambourine for Sunday School, choir participants will go to the choir loft with Sabrina and Marian to practice, then will join their Sunday School classes at 10:30.
Finally, a note about my upcoming maternity leave...
As many of you know, Baby Girl Lambert is due to arrive sometime at the end of November or beginning of December. We're going in for a procedure next Wednesday, and she could come as early as then, so I am preparing that this could be my last week on the job for a while.
In preparation for my absence I have worked with Stasha Lewis, CM Committee Chair, and the CM Committee to plan ahead. All events on the CM calendar as well as Sunday School lessons have been prepared, and Stasha and the committee are stepping into greater leadership roles to carry out these plans while I am gone. That said, you might notice we need a few more hands to help at outings and events, and we are in need of Sunday School helpers during Advent (Dec. 2, 9, and 23) and for the block of classes that runs January 6- February 3. All that said, please know I will still be accessible by email and phone while I am gone, and though I might not respond right away, you can still reach me! I'll stay in close touch with Rebecca and Stasha, and am happy to be in contact as needed to help things go well while I'm away.
If everyone lends a hand in some small way, whether in setting up for an event, helping with Sunday School setup, or just checking in with Stasha and offering support every now and then, I think the next few months will run smoothly. I will miss being a part of all the Advent fun, but I am so thankful for everyone's help in making it possible for me to take some leave while we adjust to our growing family- and I look forward to jumping back into things when Lent begins!
Hilary Lambert
Director of Children's Ministry