This Sunday is our last Sunday School of block 2, during which we've learned a lot about the Presbyterian Church, worship, and what makes WPC special. We'll take a break from Sunday School next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, and we'll resume Dec. 3 for Advent, during which we will study the "Jesse Tree," the stories from the Old Testament that lead us to the birth of Christ.
Advent is right around the corner...if your child wants to participate in the annual Christmas Play during 9 and 11:15 worship on Sunday December 17, please fill out this form.
f your kids want to practice the songs at home, you can hear them online!
e will kick off the season of Advent in a few ways, mark your calendars!
Friday December 1 at 6pm we'll have a Family Fun Night: Christmas Movie edition...wear your PJs, enjoy some pizza and popcorn, and watch Elf in the Loft. Bring a side dish to share, and RSVP to dfleishman@wpcslc.org.
Sunday December 3 we will do an Advent kickoff in the gym during the Sunday School hour. All classes prek-6th grade will meet together for activities.
Sunday December 3 at 5pm is the all-church Advent Festival in the Fellowship Hall. Look for more details coming soon!
See you Sunday,
Hilary Lambert