Happy New Year!
We will kick off 2018 on Friday night (1/5) with Family Fun Night- game night edition. We will be having a taco and salad bar for dinner. CM will provide tortillas, salad greens and beef, please bring a topping to share and note what you will bring by sending an RSVP to hlambert@wpcslc.org.
Sunday School resumes this coming Sunday, 1/7. For this block of classes we will be focusing on Psalms, Proverbs, and Prayers.
Some things to look forward to...
Our January service project will take place during Sunday School on 1/28, as we help prepare rooms and food for Family Promise guests.
On Sunday 1/21 we will have a family outing to Fairmont Aquatic Center from 4-6pm.
I hope you all are enjoying the winter break, and I hope to see you on Friday night! Don't forget to RSVP!
Hilary Lambert