I am so honored to be Interim CM Director! It has been so rewarding and fun to see our children learn about Christ and grow in their faith over the last couple of years that I have been involved in volunteering in Children's Ministry at Wasatch. I am excited to serve WPC in this new role! Hilary left some very big shoes to fill but I will do my best. Please feel free to contact me at
I hope everyone has settled into the new school year. It is hard to believe summer is ending and Fall is upon us! Our goal this Fall is to learn how and why we worship.
Kindergarten - 2nd grade will continue to use the curriculum by Spark House called Activate Faith.
3rd-6th grade will use a new curriculum by GenOn Ministries called Faith for Life. We will be talking each week in our large group session about a different component of our order of service to help engage the children in the worship service.
On Sunday mornings, you can either bring your child to the CM Lounge (room 131) or I will gather kids up from the fellowship hall at 10:10 a.m. We will have a large group session for about 10-15 minutes and then split into our smaller classes for a lesson, crafts, and games.
3-5 year olds are welcome in the nursery for a lesson led by our fantastic nursery caregivers. Childcare is also provided for infants and children less than 5 during both worship services. However, all children are welcome to make their joyful noises in the sanctuary while worshiping with their families.
K-2nd grade will be in the Art Room (rm 126).
3rd-4th grade will be in the Theater Room (rm 128).
5-6th grade aka Club 56 will be in the CM Lounge (rm 131).
We are still in need of teachers for 3rd-4th grade and Club 56. Please let me know if you are able to teach!
For the safety of our children, we ask that children are not allowed unattended in the gym, preschool playground, or youth Loft. If you have a child in K-4th grade, please either pick them up from their classroom, arrange for an older sibling to pick them up, or instruct them to wait until their class is dismissed and one of the Sunday School teachers will bring them up to the fellowship hall to meet you.
On that same note, WPC devised a Child Protection Policy last year. In order to ensure a safe environment we ask that all volunteers in the CM program throughout the year complete a consent for background check. I will have forms available on Sunday to complete.
This Sunday, we will be talking about acolytes in our large group discussion. Afterwards, I will take any 3rd-6th graders who are interested in acolyting (and have not done it before) into the sanctuary to show them what to do and let them practice. In order to make sure things are a little more organized, there will be a sign up for acolytes in the fellowship hall. Look for the "let your light shine" poster and clipboard in the fellowship hall if your child is in 3rd-6th grade and interested in acolyting.
Club 56 Dinner
When: September 14th from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Where: Olive Garden in Sugarhouse
Sandwich Making
When: September 24th at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Church kitchen and gym
Yours in Christ,
Stasha Lewis
Interim Director of Children's Ministry