This Sunday we continue with our summer worship schedule. There will be one service beginning at 10 a.m., that includes elements of both worship services. Coffee hour will follow!
All are invited to join us for the All-Church Retreat at Camp Tuttle over Labor Day weekend! The theme is “Rock Solid” and we’ll be enjoying some new activities, as well as old favorites. Look for the flyer and RSVP form now available online, in the office or in Fellowship Hall.
2018-2019 YEAR:
The school year might seem far away, but as we approach August I am thinking hard about our upcoming year in Children's Ministry. To that end, I have two important things to share with you. First, a copy of the CM Calendar for the upcoming year. Second, in the spirit of "nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something" I have created an interests and talents survey for the coming year.
I invite you all to fill it out...there is no commitment attached, it is designed to inform me and the CM Committee who might be interested or willing to do certain small volunteer tasks through the year. We will refer to it when planning things like the Halloween Party, Mardi Gras and Sunday School as a place to start when looking for helpers. And remember, I am not interested in a few people doing everything to support our youngest members… but if we each do something small, we make a big difference in their growing faith.
Hilary Lambert
Director of Children's Ministry