Office FAQ's
What are the Church Office hours?
The church office hours (Staff are scheduled and available to assist):
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
How Do I....
Reserve a room or an event in the church?
Add an off-site event to the church calendar?
Schedule an activity that requires any setup (chairs, tables, etc.) or other custodial support?
1. Reserve room as per above.
2. Fill out an Event Request Form, available in the Supply Room under the bulletin board.
Click on the buttons below to access copies of Event Request Form or Blank Room Schematics (if you have a preference for setup layout).
3. Leave completed Requests in the basket under the bulletin board.
You will be contacted to confirm that your event is scheduled and/or discuss further. Please note that due to an abundance of use, the time or space you’ve requested may not be available. Submission of an Event Request Form does not guarantee reservation.
Submit information to be included in the weekly Announcements and Email Blast? Email by Wednesday at 9am with a short (2-3 sentences) blurb. A draft email is sent on Tuesdays to chairs and group leads, if you should receive this email and have not, please notify the office via
Submit information for the Bridge Builder?
Articles Due: By last Monday of each month
Published: First Sunday of each month
July/August combined issue with special dates. Check the church calendar.
Provide new or updated address or member information?
Submit updates or changes for the Website?
Provide feedback on any general building maintenance or access concerns?
Get answers to anything else office related?
Contact the Office Manager, Courtney Raines at