February 28, 2021

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Heifer Mission Project starts today!

  • If you haven’t gotten your supplies, stop by the church and pick them up at worship, or in the church lobby, M-F from 9-6.

  • Supplies include the four week daily devotional (and donation suggestion) for you to do with your kids AND a bank they can decorate to collect their offerings each week.

  • Each day, your family will read a short paragraph learning more about Heifer’s work to end poverty and learn each animal’s effect on people. Then you’ll all be challenged to make an offering based on that days’s theme.

  • On Sundays, the kids can bring their banks and empty them into our Heifer Fill the Ark collection and we will watch our Ark grow!

We will continue to worship in our beautiful outdoor sanctuary through this season of Lent. So continue to bundle up, bring your chairs, your masks and your open hearts.

As we move forward into this regular worship, a few notes of news:

  • CHILDCARE: Childcare is being offered for those adorable mobile, but unable to sit littlest disciples! Ages 1-4, in the church playground, during worship. We are excited to announce our newest caregiver, Emma Plute is starting with us this morning! Please introduce yourself and welcome her. When you drop off please sign in with Eric and leave your cell phone number. We will call if we need your assistance. There will be a perfect amount of snow this morning, so bundle them up to play. All children 2 and older must wear a mask while playing. We hope this will allow you some peace of mind that your little ones are safe and loved, and allow you to more fully engage in your own worship time.

  • ALLELUIA BUTTERFLIES: Once your children have colored their own butterfly (they came in their mailing last week), you can have them drop them off into our Butterfly Hibernation Station! They'll be resting with their friends during Lent and we hope to see them again on Easter morning. The Hibernation Station will be out near the kids materials during worship each Sunday and available during the week in the Main Entrance lobby.

  • BULLETINS: Children's bulletins and coloring materials are available weekly at worship at the CM station, end of the tree median. Children can each grab a bulletin of their own and a coloring pouch to share with their siblings. At the end of worship, you take the bulletin home and then return all the coloring pouches and clipboards to the return bin.

  • LENT SUPPLY BAG: If you haven’t already, please stop by and pick up your Lent supply bag. The bag includes the supplies, you’ll need to participate in our Heifer International @ home mission project starting today! After the service, they will be moved into the Main Entrance lobby and available for your pickup M-F from 9am-6pm and Saturday 10am-4pm. These bags include all the materials for our Heifer Fill the Ark Program, a copy of our Lent Devotional for your family's usage, and fabric strips and a marker for adding to the prayer trees. Families with kiddos 2nd grade and lower will also receive An Illustrated Resurrection Set. Set those aside until Palm Sunday, March 28. Similar to our Nativity Building, Pastor Scott and I will lead an online gathering to teach about and assemble our kits.

  • PRAYER TREES: This Lent, the entire large family of Wasatch will be utilizing our trees to gather our collective and individual prayers. Everyone is invited to grab a piece of fabric, write their prayer on it and tie it in a tree. I've given the children a start of fabric for their own prayers each week, but there will be baskets there every Sunday for everyone's usage too. You are also welcome to use your own colorful fabric from home! Prayers will be encouraged to be added during the offertory each Sunday, but you are welcome to add them at any time each week.