Join Us for Worship Each Sunday at 10am

We worship together in our sanctuary and broadcast live for anyone viewing from home (a video is saved afterwards).

What to Expect When Visiting Wasatch

Our service is a harmonious blend of contemporary and traditional worship styles. Each service features our talented worship band, dedicated choir, and esteemed organist. We often host special musical guests and soloists including our children’s choir and beloved bell choir. Worship at Wasatch is thoughtfully led every Sunday by our pastor, Rev. Irene Pak Lee, ensuring a spiritually enriching experience.

We hope you join us!

  • 9-9:45am: Adult Spiritual Formation Class (Sunday school) - Library

    9:30am: Children's Choir Practice

    9:30am: Chancel Choir Warm Up

    10:00am: Worship

    • 10:15am: Children's Spiritual Formation Class is During Worship, After the Children's Message.

    11:00am: Coffee Hour

    6:30pm: Youth Spiritual Formation Class

  • 9:15am: Summer Choir Practice

    10:00am: Worship

    11:00am: Coffee Hour

Quality nursery care is provided by our staff each Sunday for children (ages Pre-K and under) from 9am to 11am.

If it is your first time at Wasatch, please let someone know and they will direct you to our nursery.

Activities & Gatherings

Offerings & Ways to Get Involved


Spiritual Formation and Bible Groups


Join Our Email List to Stay Up to Date on What’s Happening at Wasatch!

Looking to Schedule a Meeting or Request Building Usage? CLICK HERE

  • We have a number of ways to volunteer at Wasatch and in the local community. If you are interested in joining a committee of Wasatch, please reach out to the moderator of that committee (listed on the back of the Sunday bulletin each week).

    Ways to get involved are shared in our weekly email (sent Wednesdays) and posted above.

    Visit our Mission Ministries page for an overview of our missions and more information!

  • Nestled in the western part of the Rocky Mountains, the Presbytery of Utah serves 20+ congregations from Preston, Idaho all the way down to St. George, Utah. Our Mission is to “provide leadership and resources resulting in healthy and growing congregations.” We understand ourselves as one church with 20+ campuses who all long to serve God’s people in the unique setting of our Presbytery. As a Matthew 25 Presbytery we strive to work for justice, reconciliation, and peace in our communities. The Presbytery offers programs and support so that each campus finds its own individual way to translate our mission into practice.

    Learn More

  • We are a church that sparks radical reconciliation: acknowledging our past, seeking community partners across the denomination, and offering easily accessible and effective resources for all Presbyterians, especially Ministers of Word and Sacrament and Ruling Elders.

    We are a church that upholds a faithful theology and practice of stewardship: care for the earth through sustainable gatherings, health and safety of all in light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, financial realities while providing space and freeing funds for innovative ministry rather than convention-style gatherings, and enlivening an expansive public theology that speaks to the world with a distinctive Reformed-Presbyterian voice.

    Full Vision Article

    What We Believe



We invite everyone at Wasatch to submit an annual pledge card.

Pledging to give is one way we can build a future with hope. It helps us plan and provides support for our shared ministry.

Look for pledge cards in the main entrance lobby, Sanctuary pews and Fellowship Hall. (Visit our Stewardship page for more info.)

Thank you for participating in God's generosity and the ministry of Wasatch Presbyterian Church!